【反面教材】香港警察在示威中如何「維持」秩序: 警察濫用警權、濫用武力。



國際特赦組織發布長達23頁詳細報告《HOW NOT TO POLICE A PROTEST: UNLAWFUL USE OF FORCE BY HONG KONG POLICE》,明確指出6月12日示威中,香港警察違反國際人權法。


Amnesty International has collected footages and verified 20 of them concerning 14 incidents of excessive use of force by the Hong Kong Police on the ground during the mass protest on 12 June 2019. This non-exhaustive collection of videos draws upon extensive media coverage and social media posts by local and international press organizations, civil society groups and people in Hong Kong. Based on our careful examination of these incidents, we find that the use of force by police in the largely peaceful protest was unnecessary and excessive. The use of force during the protest violated international human rights law and standards.

國際特赦組織蒐集不同示威影片和確認其中20個影片中有14次警察在12/6 的遊行中過度使用暴力的情況。 這些影片綜合(但不包含所有)在本地和外地的傳媒,市民在社交媒體上的posts,和社會團體中流傳的警察暴力的影片, 經過我們對這些事件的仔細審查,我們發現警察在和平的抗議中使用不必要和過度的武力。在抗議期間使用武力違反了國際人權法和標準。

Source:Amnesty International

Text by Fortune Insight

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