


今晨,米高嘉道理爵士於《南華早報》A7 版面刊登一篇給予香港人的公開信,憶述家族在香港的發跡史,並藉文勸喻港人重拾往昔獅子山精神的價值觀,因為這是香港經歷洗禮而成國際大都會的歷史,亦是我們尋找問題的解決方法的基礎:互相信任、尊重及公開對話。

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被喻為香港第一隱秘家族的嘉道理家族在 140 年前初屆香港,將歐洲的商業王朝帶入香港。嘉道理爵士代表家族感激香港給予他們的機會。在互信的基礎下共同引領香港從小漁港走向繁榮強盛的國際地位。與種族及出身並沒有任何關係,只要有對於香港熱愛的真誠,便是一個真真正正的香港人。而米高嘉道理爵士,正是那位愛護香港,願意捍衛香港的人。


The Kadoories first arrived in Hong Kong 140 years ago and this city gave us the opportunity to prosper. Over the past century we have been welcomed by the Chinese people and have been privileged to play a small part in Hong Kong’s transformation from a bustling port a dynamic metropolis on the world stage.

My late father often spoke about the uniqueness of Hong Kong. “This area of the world,” he once said, “is going to develop as a neutral point of contact between two different ideologies and two different systems of government.” This prediction made more than three decades ago is evident in the city’s prosperity and growth, intrinsically linked to China’s economic development.

With this deep connection, it is disheartening to see what has overtaken the city recently with the threat of a challenging situation escalating still further. I do not support violence nor do I believe that this should be the way to resolve conflicts. A commitment to the rule of law and maintaining peace and order is the cornerstone of Hong Kong’s success. More importantly, our city’s spirit that we have long valued is our ability to find solutions in mutual respect, understanding and open dialogue. We must not forget our unique place as that neutral point of contact and work tirelessly to restore the balance.

I have spoken many times of how our young people are Hong Kong’s future. We cannot leave them in desperation of despair. It is the responsibility of us all to rebuild trust in the community and create hope for the for the younger generation.

Being a part of Hong Kong has instilled the Lion Rock Spirit in me and my children – that energy, ambition, drive and creativity has powered our prosperity and helped us to face many challenges. My faith in our home in undiminished. Now is a time for everybody to unite and be unswerving in our commitment not just to Hong Kong’s special place, but to a peaceful solution to our current crisis for this generation , the next , and beyond.

Source: SCMP, The Hong Kong and Shanghai Hotels, Limited

Text by Fortune Insight

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