


Aileen Adalid在菲律賓馬尼拉De La Salle大學畢業後,並獲得商業管理學位後,在19歲時踏入商界。


在21歲的時候,阿德利德退出了她在德意志銀行的工作 — 每月只有300美元,並過渡到永久旅行的生活。



在2014年5月,Adalid與一位朋友合作開設了一家名為Adalid Gear的線上亞馬遜零售公司,該公司是一家健康和戶外配飾公司,並搬遷到比利時。

她還重新啟動了她青少年時的日記博客I Am Aileen,將其塑造成一個生活態度和旅遊博客,並在網上旅遊社區中獲得了推崇。


您可以在她的博客I Am Aileen或她的FacebookInstagram上關注她的冒險故事。


花了兩年在德意志銀行擔任產品經理後,她意識到企業生活並不適合她。 她對創業和旅行都越來越感興趣,因此她在2013年4月拿著約600美元的儲蓄離職。


經過一年的自由職業後,Adalid開始了她的亞馬遜零售業務Adalid Gear,並在被安特衛普大學的研究生課程錄取後,以學生簽證的身份到比利時居住。

“Is it safe to travel to Brussels?” I get this message a lot recently… and my answer will always be a resounding “YES”. Belgium has become my 2nd home and I’ve been living here for almost 2 years now. Despite recent unfortunate events, it’s still absolutely fine to visit and travel to this country. DON’T cancel your plans — COME. The city will welcome you as it always has in the past. As they say: “Life goes on.” Besides, if we change our travel plans and lose our ‘wanderlust’ every time the terrorists strike, then they would have won through and through… and remember this: we shouldn’t let them win. Just stay street smart like you always do when you travel, and it should be fine. The risks are still low. After all, Brussels’ beauty is something that you shouldn’t miss, so go and book that ticket! ***…Is it your 1st time to visit here? If so, why not consider a Brussels Walking Tour by Global Enterprises? I recently joined one of their tours and it has been amazing! Come read my blog to see why [link in bio]

A post shared by Aileen Adalid (iAmAileen.com) (@i_am_aileen) on

幾個月後,當她的業務脫穎而出時,Adalid離開了學校,並在比利時商業合作夥伴的幫助下,簽訂合夥人簽證,專注於發展業務。 為了讓公司脫穎而出,他們開始研究市場以發現受歡迎的產品。

Crystal clear reflection in Dinant, Belgium 💕 #AileenInBelgium

A post shared by Aileen Adalid (iAmAileen.com) (@i_am_aileen) on

Adalid現在每個月從自己的業務賺取約5,000美元,並且與她的旅遊博客有關的「合作夥伴關係,贊助商和社交媒體呼喊」。 多虧品牌和旅遊局的合作夥伴關係,Adalid經常獲得免費的旅行和住宿。

但她不接受贊助商提供的一切。 「我希望我的博客保持真實,個性化和整潔…… 另外,我已經存了我的線上業務的一大部分。」由於旅遊贈品和折扣,她說她能夠儲蓄她收入的70%左右。

Adalid通常每天在Adalid Gear上工作的時間不足四小時,主要處理研究,市場營銷,促銷和溝通。


Breathtaking view as I watched a stunning fireworks display at the Eiffel Tower! It surely saddens me that after such a lively Bastille Day celebration — not only in Paris but all over France — the country is, yet again, mourning because of what happened in Nice… My heart and thoughts go out to everyone as it truly saddens me that these tragic events keep happening. If you’re going to ask me if it’s still safe to travel to France or to Europe in general, my answer will still be a resounding YES. It’s natural to get scared of course, but don’t freak out. Don’t let the terrorists win and stop you from living your life and from fulfilling your desires. Just travel smart, stay street smart, be kind, and you’ll be fine. The risks are still low. After all, the world’s beauty is something that you shouldn’t miss, so go and book that ticket! #AileenInFrance

A post shared by Aileen Adalid (iAmAileen.com) (@i_am_aileen) on

她對希望工作和旅行的其他人的建議是:「盡量想想長遠的事情…… 當然,在你獲得技能和做臨時工作和項目(如志願服務)的初期就可以輕鬆一下,但最核心的 ,最好的辦法是實現一個偉大的目標,這將給你一個更穩定的長遠職業。」

Adalid現在回到菲律賓,計劃將西班牙作為下一個目標。 她的長期目標是繼續發展自己的業務並環遊世界各國。

Source: BusinessInsider

Text by Fortune Insight

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